Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Love God

Matthew 22:34-40
Love God
SLY Curriculum, Year 2, Lesson 3

I. Introduction
  1. Setting of Conflict 15-22, 23-33
  2. The Question of the Pharisee What is the Great commandment?
  3. How Jesus didn't respond They're all the same, they're all equal
  4. How Jesus goes beyond the question Gives him two answers rather than one
< II. Problem
  1. The cross references Mark 12:28-34; Deuteronomy 6:4-6
  2. Is Jesus misquoting, or are Matthew and Mark misquoting? Or neither? Not like a newspaper
  3. What is the sense of each phrase? Love God with your all.
III. The Command
  1. Love is a command Not simply a feeling or emotion that comes upon us
  2. How is loving God possible? John 3, John 8:41-47, Galatians 5:22-23, 1 John 4:7
  3. Do you love God?
IV. Putting flesh on the bones
  1. Capturing heart, soul, mind, & strength in more familiar words. We must love God with our Thoughts, Feelings, and Actions
  2. Thoughts If we don't align our thoughts about God to who He truly is, we cannot love Him. Reading, hearing preaching, meditating, studying, etc.
  3. Feelings Conforming our feelings toward reality
  4. Actions What's it look like?