Friday, February 27, 2015

Absolute #10 Sin Part 1

(Outline still in progress)
Sin: Part 1
Absolute Curriculum
Year 1, Lesson 10

We have spent the last two weeks discussing what it means to be made in the image of God. We have looked first at the fact that being made in God's image gives each human life immeasurable value; we then looked at what it means to image. Our observation was very simple: images image. They reflect, they point. As humans we reflect the image and likeness of God in many ways, but one of the most important ways is via the vehicle of relationships. The first being our relationship to creation, which we are to steward, cultivate, and rule as God's vice regents, displaying His loving rule over all creation. The second is in our dealings with other human beings who have themselves been made in the image and likeness of God and whom we ought to relate to in love, fairness, righteousness, and respect. Finally, and most importantly, we have our relationship to God. We are to image God to God by understanding rightly who He is and responding appropriately, in admiration, praise, and worship. In this way we reflect the dynamic relationship that God has within Himself in the Persons of the Godhead. 
We also made the point, though, that there is obviously something terribly wrong. Why would we think this? Because we don't actually live according to that which is outlined above.

What went wrong?
The answer to the question of "what went wrong?" can be summarized in one word: sin. Sin went wrong. Sin enters the scene and mars this thing pretty darn badly. We are going to spend the next two sessions looking at sin. In our next session we will discuss the effects of sin on our human nature, on our relationships. on the created order, and on the eternal state and destiny of our souls. But before we can discuss effects, we first must address definitions. What is sin? That's what we're going to look at today.

The First Sin:

How Do I Sin?

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